Extra Tools Apps 3274 Apps found. category: Extra Tools × version: 16.0 ×

Multi Branch Product

Multi Branch Product

1. Display the estimated delivery date prominently on the product page and in the shopping cart. 2. Implement an automated system that generates delivery orders based on the chosen delivery date.

Multi Delivery Based on Different Lead Time | Multi Delivery Based on Different Product Delivery Date From eCommerce
Odoo Sphere Solutions

Odoo Backend Theme, Odoo Community Backend Theme, Web backend Theme, Web Responsive Odoo Theme, New theme design, New design, Multi Level Menu, Web Responsive Odoo Backend Theme, Odoo Theme, Odoo Modern Theme, Odoo Modern Backend Theme Odoo, Advance Theme Backend Advanced, Sidebar Light, All in one, New advanced Odoo Menu, Sidebar apps, New design, Left sidebar menu, Web menu, Odoo backend menu, Web Responsive menu, Sidebar White, Advance Menu Odoo App Menu Apps, Advanced Apps Menu, Elegant Menu, Menuitem, Web App Menu Backend, Menu Odoo Backend, Collapse Menu, Light Sidebar, Expand Menu, Collapsed Menu, Expanded Menu, New Style Menus, Advanced Sidebar Menu, Advance Sidebar Menu, Responsive Menu Sidebar, Sidebar Theme, Responsive Sidebar, Hide menu, Show Menu, Hide Sidebar, Show Sidebar, Toggle Menu, Toggle Sidebar, All in one Dynamic Menu Access, Menu Theme, Visibility Menu Visibility, Quick Backend Menu, Dropdown Menu, Parent Menus, Shortcut Menus Shortcut, Menu Icons, Collapsible menu Odoo, Customize Menu Customize Sidebar App, Customization Menu Customization App Sidebar Customization Sidebar Apps, Group Left Menu in Odoo, Global Search Menu Search, Global Menu Access Global Apps Menu Global, Group Top Menu in Odoo, Odoo Foldable Menu Applications, Navbar, App web Menu, Quick Menu Access Menu, Menu Dynamic Sidebar, Any menu, Easy Access for menuitems, User Menu Users, All in one Sidebar, Advanced Menu, Advanced Odoo Menu Backend Odoo Web Theme Web Odoo, Elegant Theme Simple Theme, Advance List View Manager, Menu Style, Advanced List View Advanced Pivot View Theme Table View Theme Form View Theme Advanced Forms, Beautiful Theme Design, New Style Theme

Multi Level App Menu

This module enable you to uninstall multi module with single click.

Multi Modules/Apps Uninstall
CorTex IT Solutions Ltd.

This module enable you to filter local modules/apps needs an upgrade and allows you upgrade all of them with single click.

Multi Modules/Apps Upgrade
CorTex IT Solutions Ltd.

This module allows to set multiply default company e-mail.

Multi Outbound Email

Ecommerce email template, Bulk mail template sending or mass mail , Email theme, multi website mail template for odoo 14, 13, 12 holidays, Festival, email snippet in odoo.

Multi Purpose Ecommerce Email Template, shop or product email template
Aagam Infotech

Multi add products, bulk add products, mass add product in Sale Order, Purchase Order, Mrp order, BOM, Stock Picking or Account invoice. multi add partner. One click to quick add products.

Multi add widget,Product batch add. 批量增加产品

Multi-company report template to use as background, pre-printed layout and watermark of existing qweb report, Qweb Report Template, Qweb Report Layout, Qweb Stationery Report Template, Qweb Stationery Report Layout, Qweb Stationery Template, Qweb Stationery Layout, Qweb Template, Qweb Layout, Background Image, Background PDF, Background Template, Background Report, Background Layout, Pre-printed PDF, Pre-printed Template,Pre-printed Report, Pre-printed Layout, Preprinted PDF, Preprinted Template, Preprinted Report, Preprinted Layout, Watermark Image, Watermark PDF, Watermark Template, Watermark Report, Watermark Layout, Multiple Company Report Templates, Multicompany Report Templates, Multi Company Report Templates

Multi-Company Report Template: Background, Pre-Printed Layout, Watermark

Multi branch for pricelist for multiple brance units of pricelist sales pricelist with multi branch for product multiple branches multiple store for product multiple locations for product multi chain multiple operating units for products multi branch unit

Multiple Branch Product | Multi Branch Pricelist | Units Operations for Pricelists

Multiple Branch Management MRO Multi Branch Maintenance app Multiple Unit Operating unit Maintenance multi branch MRO operation multi branch Maintenance branch Maintenance repair management for single company with Multi Branches multi company

Multiple Branch Unit Operation Setup for Maintenance

Multiple Calendar Date Picker multiple date picker widget multi calendar view in odoo odoo joint calendar multiple calendar app datepicker multiple date section date picker widget multi date select calendar odoo calendar joint calendar different type of calendar in odoo odoo calendar view manage multi calendar in odoo calendar module in odoo odoo calendar joint calendar setup multiple calendar in odoo multiple calendars multi date picker multi select date picker multiple dates in date picker Nepali Calendar Islamic Calendar Julian Calendar Mayan Calendar Gregorian Calendar Taiwan Calendar Thai Calendar Umm al-Qura Calendar Hebrew Calendar Ethiopian Calendar Coptic Calendar Persian Calendar

Multiple Calendar Date Picker
Kanak Infosystems LLP.

This module helps to confirm and cancel multiple sales and purchase orders from list view.

Multiple Confirm Orders
Harhu IT Solutions

Geminate comes with a feature of 'Activation' and 'Deactivation' of multiple languages in a single click.

Multiple Language Activator
Geminate Consultancy Services

Odoo Delivery Integration With Mylerz ,integration, shipment, tracking, delivery, shipping, ship

Mylerz Delivery Integration
CDS Solutions SRL , Ramadan Khalil

access rules for contacts

Nati Access Partner
Mali , MuhlhelITS

Redesign of the GCC Invoice, keeping the official and modern look

Nati GCC - Invoice
Mali , MuhlhelITS

compares suppliers' quotations with the prices

Nati Pricing
Mali , MuhlhelITS

Redesign of the QR VAT Invoice, keeping the official and modern look

Nati QR Vat K.S.A - Invoice
Mali , MuhlhelITS

Odoo has a default feature that automatically adds followers to documents, simplifying communication and collaboration. In some cases, this automatic follower addition can lead to privacy concerns, especially when sensitive conversations are involved, such as sales team discussions or quotation details. With this app, you gain the ability to customize subscription settings for each document.

No Auto Subscription | Stop Auto Subscription email notification Customer
Odoo Sphere Solutions